why talkers?
See our talker plans.
Dune Internet has been hosting the best talkers around, for many years. If the idea of letting loose your dreams, imagination, and creativity sounds like fun, running a talker is perfect for you! All you need is a little bit of creativity, and you can quickly start your very own talker and run it however you like.
take a look at ...
- why dune.net for talkers?
Take a look at why we've been hosting the Internet's talkers for the last 27 years. We offer you features that no one else can, including fantastic support, no setup charges, super-fast services, no minimum purchases and a hassle free startup!
- loads of extra features
Take a look at all the free extra features that now make it easier than ever for you to get started with your very own talker account.
- talker plans (chart)
Take a look at the talker plans. Have your talker hosted for as little as $4.00 a month! Fully upgradable with no setup fees, you can be sure that your plan can always suit your talker's need.
- talker plans (list)
A more descriptive list of our talker plans.
- the euts story
Read an enchanting story about a talker who started it small on Dune Internet.
talker of the day

Special Deals
Get started on your basic talker account for as low as $4.00 per month!
Pay one year in advance and receive a 15% discount; pay six months and receive extra disk space. |
Quick Statistics
There are
print exec('/bin/netstat -ane | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l'); ?>
players logged into Dune Internet hosted MUDs and Talkers on tangent.dune.net |